Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fiery Bulblax

The fiery bulblax is a fairly rare grub-dog that is found only in pikmin 2. One is in the valley of repose, one in the perplexing pool, one in sublevel 1 of the submerged castle, three in sublevel 2 of the cavern of chaos, one in sublevel 9 of the hole of hereos, and one in sublevel 5 of the dream den. They are big grub-dogs and are slightly more aggressive than other bulborbs. One eye is smaller that the other and the mouth is in a zig-zag shape. Fiery bulblaxes have pores on their skin that produce flammable chemicals that ignite when they make contact with oxygen. This make the bulblax look like it's on fire. It will keep burning when you petrify too, but if you lead it into water then the water will extinguish the flames and you can attack it with blues. The best way to attack it is to swarm it with reds. If you are low on reds though, just pound it with purples. This will deal damage and stun the bulblax but be sure to save the purples before they die or they will burn to death.

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