Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Water Dumple

The water dumple is an aquatic grub-dog that looks like a shellfish with a big mouth. Even though it is a relative of the bulborb it doesn't have the snail-like eyes or any feet. It can eat two pikmin at a time and eats them almost as fast as bulborb larvae so you have to kill them quickly. The best way to attack is to swarm them with at least 20 pikmin or just pelt them with purple pikmin. They are found in water and on land and some times hunt in packs.Water dumples also make barking noises. I don't know anything about this, but I don't think that water dumples have reached their full size yet and they might need to advance a bit while they turn into adults. (This is just a thought for pikmin 3)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fiery Bulblax

The fiery bulblax is a fairly rare grub-dog that is found only in pikmin 2. One is in the valley of repose, one in the perplexing pool, one in sublevel 1 of the submerged castle, three in sublevel 2 of the cavern of chaos, one in sublevel 9 of the hole of hereos, and one in sublevel 5 of the dream den. They are big grub-dogs and are slightly more aggressive than other bulborbs. One eye is smaller that the other and the mouth is in a zig-zag shape. Fiery bulblaxes have pores on their skin that produce flammable chemicals that ignite when they make contact with oxygen. This make the bulblax look like it's on fire. It will keep burning when you petrify too, but if you lead it into water then the water will extinguish the flames and you can attack it with blues. The best way to attack it is to swarm it with reds. If you are low on reds though, just pound it with purples. This will deal damage and stun the bulblax but be sure to save the purples before they die or they will burn to death.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Emperor Bulblax

Empreror Bulblaxes are boss grub-dogs only seen once in pikmin 1 and eight times in pikmin 2. In the first game one is found in the arena in the final trial and it holds the secret safe. They have giant tounges, mossy backs, tan faces, and In pikmin 1 they are WAY bigger and actually have plants growing on their backs. They slurp up pikmin with their toungues and are found with just their back showing in the first game. The best way to kill them is to take out about 40 reds and 15 yellows and bring them to the far side of the arena. Have the yellows carry the bomb-rocks on the sides and wake up the bulblax with olimar alone. Take the yellow into the arena and have it throw the bomb at the emperor's face before it eats the yellow. Then when the bulblax is stunned you get your reds and throw them at its face until it stands up again. Repeat this process and you will eventually kill emperor bulblax. You may notice that when about half his health is gone he will start jumping up and down like a wallywog. This will kill any pikmin if they land on them and will also knock out olimar in one hit. In pikmin 2 one emperor bulblax is found in the bulblax kindom, two in the cavern of chaos, two in the hole of heroes, and three in the emperor's realm in challenge mode. In the second game they are a lot smaller and sometimes roar which summons other emperor bulblaxes from the ground and sends pikmin into a panic. They also can still crush pikmin if if jumps on them.One of the best ways to defeat it is to just throw a purple on it, wait till it gets shaken off, and then keep repeating it. Although you can always just throw pikmin on it as fast as possible.

Empress Bulblax

Empress Bulblaxes are bosses only found in caves in Pikmin 2. They are found in the hole of beasts (with no bulborb larvae), the fronteir cavern, the hole of heroes, and in the emperor's realm in challenge mode. Empresses resemble red bulborbs but they have a giant egg sack for a back. The first time you see it, it will be asleep and won't be giving birth to bulborb larvae. You can't kill it with just a captain. You will have to attack it with a pikmin to wake it up and it is vulnerable to pikmin attacks on every part of its body but can only be petrified from it's side. You should probably throw pikmin on its head though because it doesn't eat pikmin and it has a big defense mechanism. If you attack it for a long enough time then it will shake your pikmin off and try to roll over them sideways. You can use this to your advantage sometimes because it will crush any larvae that's beside it. They can also cause boulders to fall when they are rolling. If you go to the piklopedia it is found sleeping and cannot be woken up.

Dwarf Orange Bulborb

Dwarf orange bulborbs resemble orange bulborbs but are way smaller because they are dwarfs. They can only eat one pikmin at a time because they are not real grub dogs and are members of the breadbug family. The best way to attack them is to swarm them with pikmin or squash them with a pikmin.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Orange Bulborb

Orange bulborbs are seen sleeping in the wistful wild and in caves in pikmin 2. They are just like other bulborbs except for the fact that they wake up when you're a certain distance from them so you can't really use the regular bulborb defeating techniques. Orange bulborbs have black faces, yellow bloodshot eyes, and an orange back with black spots. The BEST WAY to defeat them is to pelt them with purples or kill them with bomb-rocks (there are usually a lot of falling bomb-rocks or violatile dweevils near orange bulborbs). You also can petrify it and then kill it but you would obviously get no corpse.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Snow Bulborb

Snow bulborbs are only found in pikmin 2. They are dwarfs and mimic the hairy bulborb (without the hair), but they are way smaller. It is just like the dwarf red bulborb and is a member of the breadbug family. Snow bulborbs are only found grazing, and the best way to attack them is to squash them with pikmin or swarm them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hairy Bulborb

Hairy bulborbs are only found in pikmin 2. They are white and have a lot of hair on their back. The hair is like armor and it gives it 1 1/4 more health. Once half of its health is gone it will lose its hair and its back will be spotted. They are only found in caves, sleeping. The best way to attack a hairy bulborb is to swarm it from behind, rapidly throw pikmin onto its back, or like with most grub- dogs; just punch it with a captain.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dwarf Bulbear

Dwarf bulbears are the only baby grub dogs that can walk and they are actually spotty bulbears' babies. They are found alone, grazing, or following a spotty bulbear above ground and in caves. They have 1 1/2 times more health than other dwarf bulborbs. The best way to attack is to swarm it or throw pikmin on top of it to squash it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spotty Bulbear

Spotty bulbears resemble bulborbs but they are a lot bigger and have a 1 1/2 more health. They are always found sleeping in the first game and are much bigger in the first than the second. In the first game they are found sleeping in the distant spring. Upon waking up they have red bloodshot eyes and puffy lips. Once one of them somehow ate fifty of my pikmin in one gulp! In the second game they either drop from above or are found romping around( they are never found asleep in the second game) , usually with some dwarf bulbears following it. The best way to attack is to either rapidly throw pikmin onto its back, or to just swarm it. In pikmin 2 they are found in the perplexing pool (after day 30), glutton's kitchen on sublevel 4, in sublevel 9 of the hole of heroes, and in sublevel 3 of the dream den one drops from above. Since they are found walking around in the second game and cannot be caught by the element of surprise, the best way to attack is to petrify it and swarm it, punch it with a captain (in the second game), throw pikmin onto its back repeatedly, or use other enemies' attacks (cannon beetles, beady longlegs). Be careful to carry its corpse back to an onion or research pod quick though because it can regenerate after you kill it (this is only in the second game). If you petrify it though, it won't have a corpse. I had this really funny experience with a bulbear in sublevel 3 of the dream den! It was one of the rusty gulch levels and I started running from it when it dropped from above. Then it got caught in a corner, stepped over the edge, and FELL OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It left behind the treasure and I felt really bad for it!