Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spotty Bulbear

Spotty bulbears resemble bulborbs but they are a lot bigger and have a 1 1/2 more health. They are always found sleeping in the first game and are much bigger in the first than the second. In the first game they are found sleeping in the distant spring. Upon waking up they have red bloodshot eyes and puffy lips. Once one of them somehow ate fifty of my pikmin in one gulp! In the second game they either drop from above or are found romping around( they are never found asleep in the second game) , usually with some dwarf bulbears following it. The best way to attack is to either rapidly throw pikmin onto its back, or to just swarm it. In pikmin 2 they are found in the perplexing pool (after day 30), glutton's kitchen on sublevel 4, in sublevel 9 of the hole of heroes, and in sublevel 3 of the dream den one drops from above. Since they are found walking around in the second game and cannot be caught by the element of surprise, the best way to attack is to petrify it and swarm it, punch it with a captain (in the second game), throw pikmin onto its back repeatedly, or use other enemies' attacks (cannon beetles, beady longlegs). Be careful to carry its corpse back to an onion or research pod quick though because it can regenerate after you kill it (this is only in the second game). If you petrify it though, it won't have a corpse. I had this really funny experience with a bulbear in sublevel 3 of the dream den! It was one of the rusty gulch levels and I started running from it when it dropped from above. Then it got caught in a corner, stepped over the edge, and FELL OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It left behind the treasure and I felt really bad for it!

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