Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Orange Bulborb

Orange bulborbs are seen sleeping in the wistful wild and in caves in pikmin 2. They are just like other bulborbs except for the fact that they wake up when you're a certain distance from them so you can't really use the regular bulborb defeating techniques. Orange bulborbs have black faces, yellow bloodshot eyes, and an orange back with black spots. The BEST WAY to defeat them is to pelt them with purples or kill them with bomb-rocks (there are usually a lot of falling bomb-rocks or violatile dweevils near orange bulborbs). You also can petrify it and then kill it but you would obviously get no corpse.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Snow Bulborb

Snow bulborbs are only found in pikmin 2. They are dwarfs and mimic the hairy bulborb (without the hair), but they are way smaller. It is just like the dwarf red bulborb and is a member of the breadbug family. Snow bulborbs are only found grazing, and the best way to attack them is to squash them with pikmin or swarm them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hairy Bulborb

Hairy bulborbs are only found in pikmin 2. They are white and have a lot of hair on their back. The hair is like armor and it gives it 1 1/4 more health. Once half of its health is gone it will lose its hair and its back will be spotted. They are only found in caves, sleeping. The best way to attack a hairy bulborb is to swarm it from behind, rapidly throw pikmin onto its back, or like with most grub- dogs; just punch it with a captain.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dwarf Bulbear

Dwarf bulbears are the only baby grub dogs that can walk and they are actually spotty bulbears' babies. They are found alone, grazing, or following a spotty bulbear above ground and in caves. They have 1 1/2 times more health than other dwarf bulborbs. The best way to attack is to swarm it or throw pikmin on top of it to squash it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spotty Bulbear

Spotty bulbears resemble bulborbs but they are a lot bigger and have a 1 1/2 more health. They are always found sleeping in the first game and are much bigger in the first than the second. In the first game they are found sleeping in the distant spring. Upon waking up they have red bloodshot eyes and puffy lips. Once one of them somehow ate fifty of my pikmin in one gulp! In the second game they either drop from above or are found romping around( they are never found asleep in the second game) , usually with some dwarf bulbears following it. The best way to attack is to either rapidly throw pikmin onto its back, or to just swarm it. In pikmin 2 they are found in the perplexing pool (after day 30), glutton's kitchen on sublevel 4, in sublevel 9 of the hole of heroes, and in sublevel 3 of the dream den one drops from above. Since they are found walking around in the second game and cannot be caught by the element of surprise, the best way to attack is to petrify it and swarm it, punch it with a captain (in the second game), throw pikmin onto its back repeatedly, or use other enemies' attacks (cannon beetles, beady longlegs). Be careful to carry its corpse back to an onion or research pod quick though because it can regenerate after you kill it (this is only in the second game). If you petrify it though, it won't have a corpse. I had this really funny experience with a bulbear in sublevel 3 of the dream den! It was one of the rusty gulch levels and I started running from it when it dropped from above. Then it got caught in a corner, stepped over the edge, and FELL OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It left behind the treasure and I felt really bad for it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dwarf Red Bulborb

Dwarf red bulborbs are members of the breadbug family and are not grub-dogs . They are found above ground and in caves. They mimic the red bulborb's body but are way smaller. Unlike other breadbugs they actually eat pikmin but can only eat one at a time. They are never found sleeping and notice when pikmin are carrying things, but instead of dragging the object back to its den it eats your pikmin. The best way to attack is to throw pikmin onto it to squash it or to swarm it.

Spotty/ Red Bulborb

These creatures are called spotty bulborbs in the first game, and red bulborbs in the second game because there are many different colors in pikmin 2 and they are all spotted. (I'm just gonna call them red bulborbs now bacause it's shorter) Red bulborbs are always found sleeping whether they're in a cave or not. To defeat this creature you want to have at least 25 pikmim (red or purples would be best). The best way to attack is to swarm or rapidly throw pikmin onto his back while it is sleeping. if its back isn't facing you then (only in the second game) walk into it to wake it up, petrify it with ultra bitter spray, and finally swarm it. They are bigger in the first game than the second. They can eat up to about 7 pikmin at once so be careful while attacking it. Attacking it from the front is a TERRIBLE strategy and it will eat most of your pikmin.

Bulborb Larva

Bulborb larvae are found when empress bulblaxes give birth to them in the Frontier Cavern, the Hole of Heroes, and in the Emperor's Realm in challenge mode. They are only in pikmin 2and are found in caves.They are extremely annoying when you're trying to kill an empress bulblax, but in the hole of beasts the empress is found asleep and isn't giving birth. Here's one of the tips I was looking forward to: NEVER, EVER, ATTACK BULBORB LARVAE WITH YOUR PIKMIN UNLESS YOU WANT ONE PIKMIN TO DIE EVERY TIME YOU ATTACK ONE! They bite and swallow pikmin as fast as lighting, so be careful when you're around them. The best way to kill them is to punch them with a captain because they die with one punch and you can punch many of them in one punch. Bulborb larvae and dwarf bulbears are the only baby grub dogs because other dwarfs are just mimics from the breadbug family. Unlike other grub-dogs they slither instead of walk.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Bulbmin is a mix of bulborb and pikmin. They are only found in caves in pikmin 2 when you have less than 100 pikmin with you and they cannot leave caves. They are resistant to all hazards (fire, water, electricity, poison, explosions) except for explosions. Dwarf bulbmin are always found following a mother bulbmin which you will have to defeat to get them. When their mother is dead they will run around and panic and that is when you call them with your whistle to follow you like pikmin. They can be turned into buds and flowers like any other pikmin and they are their own group when you dismiss them. Bulbmin are found in the following caves: Fronteir Cavern, Submerged Castle, and The Hole Of Heroes. They will also turn into a pikmin if thrown into a candypop bud. When you exit a cave, your bulbmin will be left behind.


Caves are found only in pikmin 2. Caves sort of resemble an anthill when you first encounter them and they don't count as real time above ground when you're in them because of a strong magnetic force underground. Caves have different levels which are called sublevels (which look like other caves) . They can have from 2 to 15 sublevels and there's usually a boss at the end.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pikmin 2 Story

In pikmin 2 olimar supposedly returns back home (which is a good ending). He lands on Hocotate and sees the president of his space company (hocotate freight) and a new employer named Louie. As olimar gets out he suddenly sees his ship (he Dolphin) being taken away. It turns out that hocotate frieght is in financial difficulties and they have a debt of 10000 pokos (dollars in hocotate). Olimar brought a treasure back for his son (a bottle cap) and it turns out that treasure is worth a lot. The president then sends olimar and louie to go get more treasures from planet earth ... When they get the treasures and blast off for hocotate olimar realizes that louie isn't in the ship's cockpit and that he left him behind. When olimar gets to hocotate the president is happy that olimar repaid the debt but since he forgot louie the president said he would go with olimar to get louie. They blast off and look for louie.....

Candypop Buds

In pikmin 1 there are only red, yellow, and blue candypop buds, but in pikmin 2 there are also ivory, violet, and queen candypop buds. In Pikmin 2 all 6 are found only in caves. They are just diferent colored flowers that make "thoomp thoomp" sound when something touches them. When a pikmin is thrown into all but a queen candypop bud, they turn that candypop bud's color when it spits them out. (kind of what an onion does, and always in the form of leaves) But if a pikmin that's the same color of a candypop bud is thrown in then it will just turn into a leaf. in pikmin 2 there is a limit of 5 pikmin per candypop bud if it is not a queen but in pikmin 1 there is no limit. There are not many ivory and violets in pikmin 2 at a time, so conserve your purples and whites. If a pikmin is thrown into a red bud then it will turn red. If a pikmin is thrown into a yellow bud then it will turn yellow. If a pikmin is thrown into a blue bud it will turn blue. If a pikmin is thrown into a violet bud then it will turn purple. If a pikmin is thrown into an ivory bud it will turn white. But if a pikmin is thrown into a queen bud then it will turn into 8 pikmin and the color the queen is. Queen ccandypop buds have colored spots and they alternate between red, yellow, and blue and it won't help if you already have 100 pikmin out. (Unless you just want to change the color of one pikmin!)

White Pikmin

White pikmin are the smallest and fastest pikmin. They are also the fastest at carrying objects. Just like purples they can only be created by throwing pikmin into an ivory candypop bud and they have a pink flower. They also have red eyes so if you get close to a buried treasure then they will start digging it up. White pikmin can survive poison and they also breathe it. When a creature eats a white pikmin it gets poisoned and usually its health decreases a lot (depending on the creature). Whites live in the exhaust pipe like the purples and you can choose between whites and purples.

Purple Pikmin

Purple pikmin are only there in pikmin 2 and they are the best fighters in the game. They are first found in the Emergence Cave and they can only be created by throwing pikmin into violet candypop buds. They are very big, have hairs on their head, and like whites they have a pink flower. Purple pikmin are very strong and count as ten regular pikmin when they are carrying things, so you can carry objects that need more than 100 pikmin to be able to carry them. They are thrown lower than other pikmin because they are very heavy and make a "thump" when they land. Throwing a purple pikmin on top of an enemy usually stuns them and inflicts a lot of damage unless you are fighting some certain bosses. Instead of an onion they live in your ships exhaust pipe and when you take pikmin out you can choose between purples and whites.

Pikmin Onions

An onion is like a pikmin's mother ship. SO FAR... there are red, blue, and yellow onions, for red, blue, and yellow pikmin. But there are believed to be other onions in the future pikmin games. In both pikmin games you find the red onion, then the yellow onion, and finally a blue onion. Purples, whites, and bulbmin don't have onions so purples and whites go in the ship's exhaust pipe, while bulbmin can only stay in caves. You can make your pikmin multiply by having them defeat a creature or find a pellet. Pellets will have a number on them describing how many pikmin you need to carry it, but creatures all have different numbers of pikmin needed to carry them. When your pikmin carry the item back to the onion it "swallows" the item up and releases seeds which you can pluck to get more pikmin. If you have 100 pikmin out and you bring an item back to the onion it won't release seeds but it will just store the pikmin inside itself so you wont have to go through plucking all of the seeds. You also don't have to go through plucking all the seeds if you have the pluckaphone in the second game because then you can just whistle at them to pluck them. At the end of the day if any pikmin are with you or waiting by the camp will go into the onions but any poor stragglers will be eaten by nocturnal creatures.

Blue Pikmin

Blue pikmin are the third best fighters just like yellows, whites, and bulbmin. The awesome thing about them is THEY CAN SURVIVE WATER (just like bulbmin)! The first time you find them in both games their onion will be resting in a pool of water so you know they are immune. They have a mouth that's supposed to resemble gills but i like to think of it as a mouth!

Yellow Pikmin

Yellow pikmin are the third best fighters just like blues, whites, and bulbmin. They are resistant to electricity in the second game. They have big ears
that help them be thrown higher. Yellow pikmin can carry bomb rocks in the first game but not in the second because the rocks are too big. They cannot survive water if they are in it for too long.