Monday, February 14, 2011

Spotty/ Red Bulborb

These creatures are called spotty bulborbs in the first game, and red bulborbs in the second game because there are many different colors in pikmin 2 and they are all spotted. (I'm just gonna call them red bulborbs now bacause it's shorter) Red bulborbs are always found sleeping whether they're in a cave or not. To defeat this creature you want to have at least 25 pikmim (red or purples would be best). The best way to attack is to swarm or rapidly throw pikmin onto his back while it is sleeping. if its back isn't facing you then (only in the second game) walk into it to wake it up, petrify it with ultra bitter spray, and finally swarm it. They are bigger in the first game than the second. They can eat up to about 7 pikmin at once so be careful while attacking it. Attacking it from the front is a TERRIBLE strategy and it will eat most of your pikmin.

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