Saturday, February 12, 2011

Candypop Buds

In pikmin 1 there are only red, yellow, and blue candypop buds, but in pikmin 2 there are also ivory, violet, and queen candypop buds. In Pikmin 2 all 6 are found only in caves. They are just diferent colored flowers that make "thoomp thoomp" sound when something touches them. When a pikmin is thrown into all but a queen candypop bud, they turn that candypop bud's color when it spits them out. (kind of what an onion does, and always in the form of leaves) But if a pikmin that's the same color of a candypop bud is thrown in then it will just turn into a leaf. in pikmin 2 there is a limit of 5 pikmin per candypop bud if it is not a queen but in pikmin 1 there is no limit. There are not many ivory and violets in pikmin 2 at a time, so conserve your purples and whites. If a pikmin is thrown into a red bud then it will turn red. If a pikmin is thrown into a yellow bud then it will turn yellow. If a pikmin is thrown into a blue bud it will turn blue. If a pikmin is thrown into a violet bud then it will turn purple. If a pikmin is thrown into an ivory bud it will turn white. But if a pikmin is thrown into a queen bud then it will turn into 8 pikmin and the color the queen is. Queen ccandypop buds have colored spots and they alternate between red, yellow, and blue and it won't help if you already have 100 pikmin out. (Unless you just want to change the color of one pikmin!)

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